Авторские туры в Испанию без рюкзаков | Hola Tour
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another Spain

Active holidays in Spain

Coming Travels

Ready for a real adventure in Spain ?!

Our small family-owned company “HOLA TOUR CLUB” offers you copyright tours in Spain - active walking tours, hiking without backpacks. We want to show you a "different" country, we want to show how truly this country is rich!

Many perceive Spain as a country of beach imposing relaxation. But this is not at all true. The Spaniards themselves are moving a lot. Hiking and walking are the style of their daily lives. In mountainous areas all conditions for outdoor activities are created.

Author's tours in Spain are aimed at dispelling the idea of ​​this country as a country of beach holidays. In the Small towns of the coast, an army of "lazy" tourists of several million people gathers in the summer. Active tour here is more likely an exception. Here the British and Germans, Russians, French, and Americans find refuge. Who is not here! It’s not a pity, but the flavor of local culture is gradually fading and international standards are replacing traditional Spanish values.

Coming Travels
Заповедники северной Испании

Берём тёплое южное солнце Испании, голубое Средиземное море, белые горные деревни Альпухаррас, снежные вершины Сьерра Невада, страстную красоту Гранады, смешиваем все это. И получаем незабываемое приключение! Настоящий фейерверк впечатлений.


Заповедники северной Испании


Заповедники северной Испании

Новый год в Андалусии




9 дней


I traveled a lot with travel agencies, but not a single company will show and tell as much as Sergey did. No need to be afraid of difficulties, you need to take and come to these wonderful places with such hospitable hosts, they have become like relatives to us.

- Vera

Authors tours in Spain are not scary for their value, especially since breakfast and dry rations are always included in the price. Author's dinners from the hostess of our house, too.

Copyright tours in Spain with the "Hola Tour Club" will forever turn your mind about this country!

We have original tours, outdoor activities, mountain trekking, an interesting rich excursion program, daily movements and the ability to change plans. You will never be bored. Accommodation in a cozy house in a mountain village, spiritual feasts, informative conversations and delicious food from farm products. We will try to make everyone feel "at home."

Authors tours in Spain are for those who are tired of the monotonous city life. If you have an irresistible craving for adventure and you are able to fly to Madrid, this is half the battle ... come!

Authors tours in Spain will not leave you indifferent.

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